
The CGM seeks to promote an organizational culture of safety and risk awareness by integrating safety and risk awareness into our routine operational practices, meeting or exceeding all campus requirements for safe work environments and safety training of users, and meeting or exceeding campus requirements for cyber-security.

All researchers and staff at the CGM must go through safety training and orientation prior to being authorized to perform any work at the facility. This includes reading the Safety Manual (PDF), becoming familiar with all applicable policies referenced therein, and reading and signing a laboratory use agreement prior to commencing any work at our site.

All visitors must be accompanied by authorized personnel and only enter authorized areas. The CGM welcomes tours and group visits, but requires sufficient advance notice and coordination with staff so that the potential visitation areas can be prepped for visitors.

All staff, researchers, and visitors are asked to immediately report any potential health and safety hazards to the CGM Safety Officer, Chad Justice.

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