The 1-m radius geotechnical (or Schaevitz) centrifuge, with its smaller models typical of many centrifuges throughout the world, provides for a high throughput of relatively simple (component-level) tests that enables efficient exploration of new ideas and rapid parametric studies. Results of tests on the 1-m centrifuge quickly builds knowledge, after which the details of holistic systems-level models can be better designed for the 9-m centrifuge. For example, the 1-m centrifuge has been used to clearly demonstrate the potential of bio-improved sands to increase resistance to liquefaction triggering and to examine the cyclic (quasi-static) rocking responses of single-footings by performing dozens of tests with varying soil types, footing geometries, and imposed axial, shear, and moment loadings. In addition, the 1-m centrifuge provides an effective and economical training ground for users to gain hands-on experience in centrifuge modeling.