The accompanying Project Listing page summarizes centrifuge projects performed by internal and external research teams since establishment of the National Geotechnical Centrifuge facility at UC Davis in the early 1980s. Detailed information on these current and past research projects can be obtained from a number of sources.
For projects funded by NSF NEESR awards (2004-2014), whether using the UC Davis facilities or any of the other NEES facilities, the experimental data should have been archived and since ported to the DesignSafe website.
For projects performed by UC Davis investigators between about 1997 and 2004, the experiments and data were generally archived as one of our CGM Data Reports (see our Library page). Links to the data, or instructions on how to request the data, are provided on the CGM Data Reports page.
For earlier projects or other miscellaneous projects, it may be necessary to contact the Principal Investigators directly to request additional details or possible access to their data. The following project listing includes the Principal Investigators and their institutions (at the time of their projects) for your convenience.
Lead Institution | Project Title and Principal Investigators | Sponsor | Date |
Montana State |
Collaborative Research: Multiscale Characterization of Permafrost and Frozen Soil Properties: Bridging Micro- and Macro-Scales M. Khosravi (Montana State), A. Khosravi (Auburn) |
NSF | 2024 |
Portland State |
CAREER: Advanced and Uncertainty-Informed Site Investigation D. Moug (Portland State) |
NSF | 2024 |
UC Davis | Fundamental Mechanics of Glacial Firn Formation and Microstructure Evolution through Hypergravity Experiments M. Gardner (UC Davis) |
UC Davis Academic Senate | 2024 |
UC Berkeley | Deep liquefaction effects on bridge foundations J. Bray (UC Berkeley), J. DeJong (UC Davis) |
Caltrans | 2022 |
Portland State |
Pile-supported Wharves Subjected to Combined Inertial and Lateral Ground Deformation Loads in Earthquakes A. Khosravifar (Portland State) |
NSF | 2022 |
UC Davis | Modeling drainage from coal combustion products A. Martinez (UC Davis) |
EPRI | 2022 |
UC Davis | Geotechnical Potential Failure Mode Analysis Tools for the State Water Project J. DeJong (UC Davis) |
CA DWR | 2022 |
Auburn University |
CAREER: From Pore to Pipe: A Multiscale Experimental and Numerical Study of Piping in Unsaturated Soil J. Montgomery (Auburn University) |
NSF | 2022 (2020 initial award) |
UC Davis |
A System-Level Study to Evaluate the Role of Soil Gradation on Seismically Induced Embankment Deformations J. DeJong (UC Davis), M. Beaty (Beaty Engineering, LLC), T. Westover (Conforth Consultants) |
PEER | 2021 |
UC Davis |
GOALI/Collaborative Research: Novel and Efficient Seabed Ring Anchor for Omnidirectional Loading A. Martinez (UC Davis), Sanjay Arwade and Don DeGroot (UMass-Amherst), Charles Aubeny and Senol Ozmutlu (Texas A&M) |
NSF | 2020 |
UC Davis |
CAREER: Soil Penetration through Bioinspired Stress State Manipulation A. Martinez (UC Davis) |
NSF | 2020 |
UC Davis |
In Situ Characterization and Dynamic Response of Well-Graded Coarse-Grained Soils J. DeJong (PI UC Davis), K. Ziotopoulou (co-PI; UC Davis), and A. Martinez (co-PI;UC Davis) |
NSF | 2019 |
UC Davis/UIUC |
Collaborative Research: Soil-Structure-Water Interaction Effects in Buried Reservoirs – Centrifuge and Numerical Modeling K. Ziotopoulou (PI; UC Davis) and Y. Hashash (PI;UIUC) |
NSF | 2018 |
UC Davis | Centrifuge Modeling of Fly Ash Impoundments A. Martinez (PI; UC Davis) and D. W. Wilson (co-PI; UC Davis) |
EPRI | 2018 |
UC Davis | Validation of Design for Liquefaction-Induced Downdrag on Piles K. Ziotopoulou (PI, UC Davis) and B. L. Kutter (co-PI; UC Davis) |
Caltrans | 2018 |
University of Vermont/UIUC |
Collaborative Research: Novel Measurement of Shear Strength Evolution in Liquefied Soil and Calibration of a Fluid Dynamics-based Constitutive Model for Flow Liquefaction M. Dewoolkar (PI; University of Vermont) and S. Olson (PI; UIUC) |
NSF | 2017 |
Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Effects on Cyclic Failure Potential of Silts and Clays S. J. Brandenberg (PI; UCLA) and J. P. Stewart (co-PI; UCLA) |
NSF | 2016 |
UC Davis |
Collaborative Research: Validation of Constitutive and Numerical Modeling Techniques for Soil Liquefaction Analysis B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
NSF | 2016 |
UC Davis |
Liquefaction Evaluations of Finely Interlayered Sands, Silts and Clays R. W. Boulanger (PI; UC Davis) and J. T. DeJong (co-PI; UC Davis) |
NSF | 2016 |
Arizona State |
Engineering Research Center for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired Geotechnics (CBBG) E. Kavazanjian (PI; ASU), R. Krajmalnik-Brown (co-PI; ASU), J. T. DeJong (co-PI; UC Davis), J. D. Frost (co-PI, GaTech), and P. Bandini (co-PI; New Mexico State) |
NSF | 2015 |
Oregon State |
Centrifuge Modeling of Coastal Soil-Structure Instability H. B. Mason (PI; Oregon State) and H. Yeh (co-PI; Oregon State) |
NSF | 2015 |
UCLA | Development of Validated Methods for Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis of Buried Structures E. Taciroglu (PI; UCLA), S. J. Brandenberg (co-PI; UCLA), and J. P. Stewart (co-PI; UCLA) |
Caltrans | 2015 |
UC Davis | Model Testing to Evaluate Degradation of Axial Capacity from Cyclic Loading B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
MMI / BSEE | 2014 |
UC Davis | Seismic Performance of Soil-Cement Grids in Soft Ground R. W. Boulanger (PI; UC Davis) |
PEER | 2014 |
UC Davis |
NEESR Planning/Collaborative Research: Liquefaction Experiments and Analysis Projects (LEAP) for Validation B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
NSF | 2013 |
UC Davis |
EAGER: Effect of Dimensionless Particle Weight on Maximum, Minimum, and Critical State Void Ratios B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
NSF | 2013 |
UC Davis |
CPT-Based Characterization of Intermediate Soils R. W. Boulanger (PI; UC Davis) and J. T. DeJong (co-PI; UC Davis) |
NSF | 2013 |
UC Davis | Centrifuge testing to evaluate seismic displacements of subsea manifolds on deep clay deposits B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) and D. W. Wilson (co-PI; UC Davis) |
BP | 2013 |
UC Davis | Reinforcing Effects of Soil-cement Columns in Liquefiable Sand R. W. Boulanger (PI; UC Davis) |
PEER, Other | 2012 |
NEESR: Levees and Earthquakes: Averting an Impending Disaster S. Brandenberg (PI; UCLA), J. Stewart (co-PI; UCLA), A. Lemnitzer (co-PI; UC Irvine) |
NSF NEESR | 2012 |
Virginia Tech |
NEESR: Reduction of Seismic Shaking Intensity on Soft Soil Sites Using Stiff Ground Reinforcement G. Olgun (PI; VaTech), K. Stokoe (co-PI; UT Austin), J. Martin (co-PI; VaTech), D. Wilson (co-PI; UC Davis), B. Tiwari (CSU Fullerton) |
NSF NEESR | 2012 |
Arizona State |
NEESR: Performance Based Seismic Design of Geomembrane Liner Systems for Waste Containment E. Kavazanjian (PI; Arizona State) |
NSF NEESR | 2012 |
UC Davis | Steel Pile Jacket Seismic Soil Structure Interaction Study B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis), D. W. Wilson (co-PI; UC Davis) |
BP | 2012 |
CU Boulder |
NEESR: Seismic Response of Shallow Underground Structures in Dense Urban Environments S. Dashti (PI; CU Boulder), Y. Hashash (co-PI; UIUC) |
NSF NEESR | 2011 |
UC Berkeley | Seismic Earth Pressures on Retaining Structures N. Sitar (PI; UC Berkeley) |
Caltrans | 2010 |
Stanford University |
NEESR-CR: Properties of Cohesionless Soil Subsequent to Liquefaction and Resedimentation; R. Borja (PI; Stanford University), E. Kavazanjian (co-PI; Arizona State) |
NSF NEESR | 2009 |
Virginia Tech |
NEESR-CR: Topographic Effects in Strong Ground Motion – From Physical and Numerical Modeling to Design A. Rodriquez-Marek (PI; VaTech), D. Assimaki (co-PI; GaTech), M. Pando (co-PI; UNC Charlotte), B. Cox (co-PI; UT Austin), J. Wartman (co-PI; U Washington) |
NSF NEESR | 2009 |
UC Berkeley |
NEESR-CR: Seismic Earth Pressures on Retaining Structures N. Sitar (PI; UC Berkeley) |
NSF NEESR | 2009 |
UC Davis |
NEESR-CR: Design of Soil and Structure Compatible Yielding to Improve System Performance B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis), S. Kunnath (co-PI; UC Davis), T. Hutchinson (co-PI; UCSD), M. Aschheim (Santa Clara Univ.) |
NSF NEESR | 2009 |
UC Davis | Last Hurdles for Implementation of Rocking Foundations for Bridges B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
PEER | 2009 |
UC Davis |
NEESR-II: Biological Improvement of Sands for Liquefaction Prevention and Damage Mitigation J. T. DeJong (PI; UC Davis), D. Nelson (co-PI; UC Davis), R. W. Boulanger (co-PI; UC Davis) |
NSF NEESR | 2008 |
University of Oklahoma |
NEESR-SG: Understanding and Improving the Seismic Behavior of Pile Foundations in Soft Clays K. K. Muraleetharan (PI; UO), G. Miller (co-PI; Iowa State), S. Sritharan (co-PI; Iowa State), S. Vukazich (co-PI; SJSU), A. Cerato (co-PI; UO) |
NSF NEESR | 2008 |
UC Berkeley |
NEESR-SG: Seismic Performance Assessment in Dense Urban Environments J. D. Bray (PI; UC Berkeley), R. Reitherman (co-PI; CUREE), B. L. Kutter (co-PI; UC Davis), T. Hutchinson (co-PI; UCSD), A. Whittaker (co-PI; SUNY Buffalo) |
NSF NEESR | 2008 |
UCLA | Evaluation of Nonlinear Site Response of Soft Clay Using Centrifuge Models S. Brandenberg (PI; UCLA), J. Stewart (co-PI; UCLA) |
USGS NEHRP | 2007 |
Oregon State | Modeling the Nonlinear, Effective Stress Seismic Response of Deep Silt Deposits S. Dickenson (PI; Oregon State Univ.) |
USGS NEHRP | 2007 |
UC Davis | Centrifuge Testing for Seismic retrofit of BART offshore transbay tube B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis), D. Wilson (co-PI; UC Davis) |
Fugro West (BART) | 2007 |
UC Davis | Innovative Economical Foundations with Improved Performance that is Less Sensitive to Site Conditions B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis), S. Kunnath (co-PI; UC Davis) |
Caltrans | 2007 |
Georgia Tech |
NEESR-GC: Seismic Risk Mitigation for Ports G. Rix (PI; GaTech) et al.; Subteam for centrifuge testing included E. Rathje (co-PI; UT Austin), T. Gallagher (co-PI; Drexel), R. W. Boulanger (co-PI; UC Davis) |
NSF NEESR | 2006 |
UC Berkeley | Development of Improved Procedures for Seismic Design of Buried or Partially Buried Structures N. Sitar (PI; UC Berkeley), J. D. Bray (co-PI; UC Berkeley) |
BART / VTA | 2006 |
UC Davis |
PIRE: Developing International Protocols for Offshore Sediments and their Role in Geohazards: Characterization, Assessment, and Mitigation J. T. DeJong (PI; UC Davis), D. Degroot (co-PI; UMass Amherst), T. Sheahan (co-PI; Northeastern), B. McAdoo (co-PI; Vassar College), L. Baise (co-PI; Tufts) |
NSF | 2005 |
UC Berkeley |
NEESR-II: Towards Developing an Engineering Procedure for Evaluating Building Performance on Softened Ground J. D. Bray (PI; UC Berkeley) |
NSF NEESR | 2005 |
SGER: Development and Verification of In-Flight Grouted Helical Pier Placement Technique for Use in Foundation Rehabilitation Investigations T. Hutchinson (PI; UCSD), D. Wilson (co-PI; UC Davis) |
NSF SGER | 2005 |
Tokyo Inst. Tech. | Pile Foundations in Liquefied and Laterally Spreading Ground K. Tokimatsu (PI; Tokyo Tech), H. Suzuki (co-PI; Tokyo Tech), R. W. Boulanger (co-PI; UC Davis) |
NIED | 2005 |
UC Berkeley | STAP13: Design Guidelines for Foundation Rocking of Bridge Piers S. Mahin (PI; UC Berkeley), B. Jeremic (co-PI; UC Davis), B. L. Kutter (co-PI; UC Davis) |
Caltrans | 2005 |
UC Davis | Inertial and Kinematic Load Combinations on Pile Foundations in Liquefying and Laterally Spreading Abutments R. W. Boulanger (PI; UC Davis) |
PEER Lifelines | 2004 |
UC Davis | Effect of ground deformations and liquefaction on bridges R. W. Boulanger (PI; UC Davis) |
PEER | 2004 |
Virginia Tech |
Collaborative Research: Dynamic Behavior of Slickensided Surfaces J. M. Duncan (PI; VaTech), R. W. Boulanger (co-PI; UC Davis) |
NSF | 2004 |
UT Austin |
Collaborative Research: Demonstration of NEES for Studying Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction S. Wood (PI; UT Austin), B. Jeremic (co-PI; UC Davis), P. Arduino (co-PI; U of Washington), S. Kramer (co-PI; U of Washington), B. L. Kutter (co-PI; UC Davis), and J. Ramirez (co-PI; Purdue) |
NSF pre-NEESR | 2003 |
UC Davis | Performance of Shallow Foundations B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis), G. Martin (co-PI; USC), T. Hutchinson (co-PI; UCSD) |
NSF / PEER | 2001 |
UC Davis |
Effects of void redistribution on liquefaction flow of layered soils B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis), R. W. Boulanger (co-PI; UC Davis) |
NSF | 2000 |
UC Berkeley |
Performance of Improved Ground under Strong Seismic Loading N. Sitar (PI; UC Berkeley) |
NSF | 2000 |
Oregon State | Modeling of the Seismic Performance of Waterfront Embankment-Pile Wharf Systems S. Dickenson (PI; Oregon State) |
NSF / PEER | 1999 |
UC Davis | Centrifuge Characterization and Numerical Modeling of the Dynamic Properties of Tire Shreds for use as Bridge Abutment Backfill B. Jeremic (PI; UC Davis), B. L. Kutter (co-PI; UC Davis) |
CIWMB | 1999 |
UC Davis | Centrifuge Modeling of Cyclic Mobility and Lateral Spreading B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
NSF / PEER | 1999 |
UC Davis | Behavior of piles in laterally spreading ground during earthquakes R. W. Boulanger (PI; UC Davis), B. L. Kutter (co-PI; UC Davis) |
Caltrans | 1999 |
UCSD | Comprehensive Investigation of Nonlinear Site Response: Collaborative Research with UC San Diego and UC Davis A. Elgamal (PI; UCSD), B. L. Kutter (co-PI; UC Davis) |
USGS NEHRP | 1998 |
UC Davis | Rockfill Dams B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
Obayashi | 1998 |
UC Davis | Seawalls II B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
Obayashi | 1998 |
Oregon State |
CAREER: Soil Improvement for Mitigating Liquefaction Hazards to Waterfront Retaining Structures S. Dickenson (PI; Oregon State) |
NSF, Industry | 1997 |
UC Berkeley | Physical Modeling and Evaluation of Methods for the Analysis of the Seismic Performance of Reinforced Soil Walls N. Sitar (PI; UC Berkeley) |
Caltrans | 1997 |
UC Davis | Seismic response of LNG production facility structures B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
Obayashi | 1996 |
UN Reno |
Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Soil Walls R. Siddharthan (PI; UN Reno), B. L. Kutter (co-PI; UC Davis), R. Whitman (co-PI; MIT) |
NSF | 1995 |
UC Davis | Liquefaction Remediation at Bridge Sites B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
Caltrans | 1994 |
UC Davis | The response of piles during earthquakes: Dynamic soil-pile-superstructure interaction. B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis), R. W. Boulanger (co-PI; UC Davis) |
Caltrans | 1993 |
UC Davis | Centrifuge Modeing of the Seismic Performance of Seawalls for Man-Made Islands B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
Obayashi | 1992 |
UC Davis | Nonlinear Seismic Behavior of Cylindrical Earth Retaining Wall in Liquefiable Sandy Gravel B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
Obayashi | 1992 |
UC Davis | Experimental Measurements of Bridge Abutment Behavior K. Romstad (PI; UC Davis) |
Caltrans | 1991 |
UC Davis | Agreement to Provide Centrifuge Services to Obayashi Corporation of Japan in Consideration of Payment for Study and for Major Piece of Equipment B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
Obayashi, UC, Other | 1991 |
UC Davis | Evaluation of Deformations of Earth Structures due to Earthquakes I. M. Idriss (PI; UC Davis) |
Caltrans | 1990 |
UC Davis | Validation of a Proposed Rational Material Characterization for Granular Soils C. K. Shen (PI; UC Davis) |
Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory | 1989 |
UC Davis | Lateral Load Capacity of Posts and Footings for Metal Beam Guardrails Located Close to Slopes B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
Caltrans | 1989 |
UC Davis | Model Tests to Study Explosion – Produced Cavities B. L. Kutter (PI; UC Davis) |
LLNL | 1986 |
UC Berkeley | Behavior of Reinforced Soils J. K. Mitchell (PI; UC Berkeley) |
FHWA through STS Consultants | 1984 |