Recent reports by CGM members can be downloaded for free, while copies of older reports can be ordered for a nominal reproduction charge. A list of available reports is provided below.
“CPT and SPT Based Liquefaction Triggering Procedures”
Boulanger, R.W., I.M. Idriss. April 2014 – UCD/CGM-14/01 Boulanger_Idriss_CPT_and_SPT_Liq_triggering_CGM-14-01_2014.pdf 4.17 MB Download >>
“Examination of the K Overburden Correction Factor on Liquefaction Resistance”
Montgomery, J., Boulanger, R.W., and Harder, L.F. JR. December 2012 – UCD/CGM-12-02 Montgomery_et_al_Ksigma_CGM-12-02_2012.pdf 1.77 MB Download >>
“A sand plasticity model for earthquake engineering applications: Version 2.0.”
Boulanger, R. W., and Ziotopoulou, A. May 2012. – UCD/CGM-12/01
Boulanger_Ziotopoulou_Sand_Model_CGM-12-01_2012.pdf 2.27 MB Download >>
“SPT-based liquefaction triggering procedures.”
Idriss, I. M., and Boulanger, R. W. December 2010 – UCD/CGM-10/02
Idriss_Boulanger_SPT_Liquefaction_CGM-10-02.pdf 9.2 MB Download >>
UCD/CGM-04/01 “Evaluating the Potential for Liquefaction or Cyclic Failure of Silts and Clays.” R.W. Boulanger, I. M. Idriss.
ucdcgm0401.pdf 9.30 MB Download >>
UCD/CGM-03/01 “Pile Foundations in Liquefied and Laterally Spreading Ground Pile Foundations in Liquefied and Laterally Spreading Ground During Earthquakes: Centrifuge Experiments & Analyses.” R. W. Boulanger, B. L. Kutter, S. J. Brandenberg, P. Singh, D. Chang, September, 2003
ucdcgm0301.pdf 5.57 MB Download >>
UCD/CGM-01/05 DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF SHERMAN ISLAND PEAT: PHASE II STUDY. Timothy M. WEHLING, Ross W. Boulanger, and others, March 2001
CGM 01-05 – Wehling and others-1.pdf 1.65 MB Download >>
UCD/CGM-00/01 “Centrifuge Characterization and Numerical Modeling of the Dynamic Properties of Tire Shreds for use as Bridge Abutment Backfill.” B. Jeremic, D.W. Wilson, K. Rosebrook, Z. Yang, May, 2000 (under review)
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UCD/CGM-00/01 “Centrifuge Characterization and Numerical Modeling of the Dynamic Properties of Tire Shreds for use as Bridge Abutment Backfill.” B. Jeremic, D.W. Wilson, K. Rosebrook, Z. Yang, May, 2000 (under review)
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UCD/CGM-99/02 “Centrifuge modeling of the seismic response of LNG production facility structures: Phase III.” P.N. Robins, R.L. Tarin, D.J. Thompson, S. Higuchi, T. Mori, and B.L. Kutter, July, 1999
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UCD/CGM-98/06 “Centrifuge modeling of the seismic response of LNG production facility structures: Phase I.” D.P. Stewart, B.L. Kutter, S. Higuchi, P.N. Robins, K.R. Narayanan, and D.J. Thompson, October, 1998. *
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UCD/CGM-98/05 “Centrifuge modeling of the seismic performance of seawalls for man-made islands.” D.P. Stewart, R.R. Settgast, S. Higuchi, T. Kawai, B.L. Kutter, and I.M. Idriss, October, 1998. *
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UCD/CGM-98/04 “Soil-pile-superstructure interaction in liquefying sand and soft clay.” D.W. Wilson (Ph.D. dissertation), September, 1998.
ucdcgm9804.pdf 3.07 MB Download >>
UCD/CGM-99/01 “Final Report: NSF – NEES Workshop. Geotechnical earthquake engineering experimental facilities: developing a national network with structural, seismological, and coastal earthquake engineering seismic simulation facilities.” May 28-29, 1998. B.L. Kutter, R. Dobry, F. Raichlen, N. Sitar, K.H. Stokoe, and L.T. Youd, steering committee. April, 1999.
ucdcgm9901.pdf 405.23 Kb Download >>
UCD/CGM-98/03 “Centrifuge modeling of liquefaction remediation at bridge sites.” A. Balakrishnan, B.L. Kutter, and I.M. Idriss, May, 1998.
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UCD/CGM-98/02 “Centrifuge modeling of the seismic response of LNG production facility structures: Phase II.” R.L. Tarin, P.N. Robins, D.J. Thompson, S. Higuchi, T. Mori, and B.L. Kutter, March, 1998.
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UCD/CGM-98/01 “The response of piles during earthquakes: Dynamic soil-pile-superstructure interaction.” R.W. Boulanger, B.L. Kutter, and D.W. Wilson, February, 1998.
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UCD/CGM-97/04 “Ground improvement issues for the Posey & Webster St. Tubes seismic retrofit project: Lessons from physical modeling studies.” D.P. Stewart, R.W. Boulanger, I.M. Idriss, Y.Hashash, and B.Schmidt, April, 1997.
CGM97-04_Lessons_from_Physical_Model_Studies.pdf 3.54 MB Download >>
UCD/CGM-97/03 “Ground improvement issues for the Posey & Webster St. Tubes seismic retrofit project: Lessons from case histories.” R.W. Boulanger, D.P. Stewart, I.M. Idriss, Y. Hashash, and B. Schmidt, April, 1997.
CGM97-03_Lessons_from_Case_Histories.pdf 2.29 MB Download >>
UCD/CGM-97/02 “Centrifuge modeling of the seismic response of LNG production facility structures: Phase I.” D.P. Stewart, B.L. Kutter, S. Higuchi, P.N. Robins, K.R. Narayanan, and D.J. Thompson, March, 1997.
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UCD/CGM-97/01 “Dynamic properties of Sherman Island Peat,” by R.W. Boulanger, R. Arulnathan, L.F. Harder, and R.A. Torres, March, 1997.
Boulanger_etal_Sherman_Island_peat_199721.pdf 2.16 MB Download >>
UCD/CGM-95/02 “Investigation and evaluation of liquefaction related ground displacements at Moss Landing during the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake,” R.W. Boulanger, I.M. Idriss, and L.H. Mejia, May, 1995.
ucdcgm9502.pdf 17.21 MB Download >>
UCD/CGM-94/02 “Three-dimensional dynamic response analyses of Cogswell Dam during the 1991 Sierra Madre and 1987 Whittier Narrows Earthquakes,” by R.W. Boulanger, S.M. Merry, J.D. Bray, and L.H. Mejia, November, 1994. {The journal equivalent of this report is Boulanger, R.W., Bray, J.D., Merry, S.M., and Mejia, L.H. (1995). “Three-dimensional dynamic response analyses of Cogswell dam.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 32(3): 452-464}
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UCD/CGM-94/03 “User’s Manual for QUAD4M – A computer program to evaluate the seismic response of soil structures using finite element procedures and incorporating a compliant base.” M. Hudson, I.M. Idriss, M. Beikae. Revised 2003.
Quad4M_manual_rev2003.pdf 2.33 MB Download >>
“User’s Manual for Shake91 – A Computer Program for Conducting Equivalent Linear Seismic Response Analyses of Horizontally Layered Soil Deposits.” I.M. Idriss & J.I. Sun. Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UC Davis, 1992.
Shak91_manual.pdf 10.51 MB Download >>
SUMDES-92 “A Nonlinear Procedure for Response Analysis of Horizontally-layered Sites Subjected to Multi-directional Earthquake Loading.” X. S. Li, Z. L. Wang, C. K. Shen, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis, 1993
SUMDES-92.pdf 779.13 Kb Download >>
155. Kutter, B.L. & Wilson, D.W., “Physical Modelling of Dynamic Behavior of Soil-Foundation-Superstructure Systems”, International Journal for Physical Modeling in Geotechnics, Volume 6, No. 1, pp. 1-12, 2006.
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